Welcome to RACSAP

Your risk and


We provide highly experienced professionals to work with you and your business to enhance in a cost-effective way your capabilities in risk, insurance, compliance and governance. Given the collective experience of our consultants, this provides you with tremendous resource and fully flexible delivery that can be tailored to your unique situation.

WHAT WE DO Contact Us


Insurance Digitalisation

Every aspect of the Insurance industry is benefitting and will continue to benefit from the massive impact of digital technology.

We work with our partner Uncharted and the platform Shift to help brokers, insurers, MGA’s and other insurance clients in this increasingly important space. (See their details on the Partner page).


INED Positions

Director positions – enhance your governance and utilise invaluable experience

It is now widely accepted that non-executive directors bring essential governance and value to the boards of both larger listed and smaller companies.

In Singapore for example, The Monetary Authority of Singapore has issued a revised Code of Corporate Governance this year and one of the changes will be enforcing the 9-year rule for independent directors. The revised Code will take effect for Annual Reports covering financial years commencing from 1 January 2019.


Financial Institution Operational Risk Management and Insurance Strategies

Seamless and smart insurance and operational risk strategies that talk to each other.

Internal and external pressures are increasing on the whole array of Financial Institutions to properly understand their operational risks within the context of an Enterprise Risk Management Framework and to ensure that insurance programs are as closely aligned to the risk profile as possible.


Captive Insurance Company and other Risk Financing Strategy

Tap into deep totally objective expertise to assist you with professional reviews of your optimum risk financing strategy.

Organisations will always benefit from objective reviews of their overall risk financing strategy and total cost of risk. Often blinded by the annual insurance market offerings, it is all too easy to overlook better long-term risk financing options, that take all costs and benefits into consideration and offer more robust and self-determined positions that provide a measure of insulation from the vagaries of the insurance markets.


Employee Benefit Scheme Financing

We help you manage the dilemma of first class employee protection with the ever increasing associated costs.

Increasing numbers of organisations are providing medical, disability, life and other benefits to their employees. In addition to government pressure on employers to assume responsibility for the provision of such benefits, they are viewed as a valuable means of attracting and retaining high quality staff.


MGA Consulting

Leverage our experience to develop and manage MGA’s in Asia Pacific

There is a significant MGA market across Asia Pacific, notably in Australia, New Zealand and Hong Kong.

In Singapore the MGA market is emerging quickly with new entrants up and running as well as several projects in various stages of development.


Cyber Risk Consulting

The Cyber Criminal is the wolf at the chicken coop with an open door.

In terms of operational risk to organisations today, cyber risk (including digital risk) is the most discussed and with good reason. The opportunity facing cyber criminals is tremendous in view of the potential rewards and all too often, the ease of accessing a company’s crown jewels because of lax cyber security both electronic and employee related.


Insurance Scheme Consulting

Scheme strategy and direction – RACSAP has a wealth of experience

There are many collective insurance schemes across the region providing insurance policies and other related support to their members and also their customers, as well as many associations taking or considering the same approach.


Broker and Insurer Selection – Tender Management

Years of inside experience to provide you 360 degree views and get the best from the tender process.

When an organisation needs to access insurance, there are many options available in terms of program structure and price, coverage terms, insurer quality, service capability and other factors. It is important that the organisation conducts the right research to select the optimum insurance arrangements and then manages the program over time. Expert assistance is needed in dealing with the insurance market, and the use of a professional broker with the ability to understand the buyer’s needs and the market knowledge and presence to negotiate the most favourable solution is often the best course of action.


Governance and Ethics

Independent objective advice on critical governance and ethics policies.

Across the region there is increasing attention being paid by regulators to Corporate Governance. A good example is the Monetary Authority of Singapore, which has issued a revised Code of Corporate Governance this year which will take effect for Annual Reports covering financial years commencing from 1 January 2019. One of the aims of the revised Code is to improve the quality of companies’ disclosure of their corporate governance practices and explanations for deviations from the Code. This is just one example of the growing complexity of corporate governance faced by companies today.


Compliance and Regulatory

We help companies, large and small, meet their ever more complex and time-consuming compliance obligations.

Global spending on compliance, just amongst banks, reached almost $100 billion in 2016, growing from 15% to 25% annually over the previous four years, according to new research.


Contract Claims and Litigation Management

Why you should consider outsourcing your claims management to RACSAP

One way in which risk managers can focus more of their time and energy on what they do best, risk management, is to outsource their claims management to people with focused expertise in managing claims. RACSAP has the expertise to manage your claims efficiently and expeditiously, bringing value to your company.

Max Fulton
Tony Mitchell
Paul Towers


Our current Consultants can be found here. We will be bringing additional Consultants over time to enhance the Services that RACSAP is able to offer.

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